Who should apply?

The CircularEconomy4Colombia Innovation Challenge is open to national and international innovation teams that meet the below criteria: 

  • Are pre-commercial or conceptual stage with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or Proof of Concept (POC)*

  • Have developed a novel solution that addresses a real market demand in Colombia and falls under at least one of the 5 priority areas

  • Are the sole inventors and copyright holders of the solution 

  • Are purpose-driven practitioners, entrepreneurs, students, researchers or CGIAR scientists with a demonstrated willingness to adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their innovations  

  • Are either a registered company or affiliated to a research institute/center or university  

  • Are fully committed to the program and be ready to travel to Colombia for the activities on the ground 

  • Can clearly articulate how the technology relates to one or more of CGIAR’s Impact Areas /or research activities 

*Selected applicants in the growth stage and beyond with a sustainable business model may be invited to pitch their solutions to investors at the demo day. 

Important Note: Incomplete applications that do not comply with the terms and conditions specified in the call, or are submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for evaluation.

Priority Areas

The Circular Economy4Colombia Innovation Challenge aims to scout and support innovations aligned with the following priority areas:

Waste Valorization for
Soil Health and Agricultural Productivity
Waste Valorization for
Soil Health and Agricultural Productivity

Technologies, solutions, or AI tools to convert agri-food waste into fertilizers or soil amendments, enhancing soil health and national agricultural productivity.

Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

Technologies, solutions, or AI tools for treating and reusing wastewater from the agri-food sector, promoting efficient resource utilization and reducing water scarcity pressures.

Innovative Waste Conversion for Animal Feed
Innovative Waste Conversion for Animal Feed

Technologies, solutions, or AI tools to convert agri-food waste into nutritious animal feed, promoting circularity in the food supply chain and reducing dependence on imported inputs.

Renewable Energy Generation from Agri-Food Waste
Renewable Energy Generation from Agri-Food Waste

Technologies, solutions, or AI tools for converting agri-food waste into renewable energy sources like biogas or biofuels, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and advancing renewable energy adoption.

Repurposing Waste into Functional Materials and Inputs
Repurposing Waste into Functional Materials and Inputs

Technologies, solutions, or AI tools that convert agri-food waste into building blocks, chemicals, packaging solutions, and other inputs that support the transition to a bioeconomy.

What We Offer to Help Boost Your Innovation

The CircularEconomy4Colombia Innovation Challenge offers a comprehensive range of resources and connections to selected applicants

A tailored acceleration program combining business training, growth and technical assistance.
On-the-ground experimentation and pilot testing in Colombia.
Support in the development of a pitch and investment teaser for fundraising.
Networking and technical assistance from CGIAR scientists and industry partners.
Networking and business mentorship with some of the best local entrepreneurs in Colombia.
Exposure to potential investors, opening doors to funding opportunities and commercial partnerships.

How to apply?

Register, complete your profile, and submit your solution by 12 August at 23:59 GMT+5.

To complete your submission the following content should be provided:

  • Filled-in application form

  • Pitch Deck (max 15 slides, PDF format): Presentation with: (i) idea and value proposition; (ii) explanation of the solution; (iii) details on the underpinning technology and data inputs, (iv) details on how to maintain the product in the long run; (v) who are the key partners involved in this project or who are the partners you would like to attract; (vi) why should investors invest in this solution. (vii) What is your main motivation to join this program. Please provide the presentation in PDF format.

  • Team introduction (PDF format): Please list the core team members and their skills in one document.

  • Demo video (optional)

Apply by 19 August at 23:59 (GMT-5)