Selection process

1July 2024

Call for applications

The call for applications of the CircularEconomy4Colombia Innovation Challenge opens on 1 July and closes on 19 August at 23:59 (GMT-7). 

2August 2024

Selection of 20 shortlisted candidates

Twenty teams, including 5 CGIAR-led innovations, are shortlisted based on the applicability to their solution to the context of Colombia, scientific relevance, novelty and uniqueness, sustainability and scalability of the business model, and team. Shortlisted candidates will receive an email confirming their selection and participation in the CircularEconomy4Colombia bootcamp. 

3October 2024


The 20 selected teams are invited to travel to Colombia and undergo a 3-day immersive bootcamp offering, technical guidance, business mentorship, and pitch training to prepare for their pitch-day on the final day of the bootcamp. 

4October 2024

Announcement of the 10 Finalists

The bootcamp is concluded with the selection and announcement of the top 10 innovations shortlisted by the CircularEconomy4Colombia Selection Committee, granting them admission to the acceleration program. 

5October 2024 – February 2025

Acceleration program

The top 10 innovators participate in a fully sponsored acceleration program, combining business training, scientific technical assistance, and funding supporting them in testing, validating, and preparing to scale-up their innovations. 

6February 2025

Demo day

The acceleration program is officially adjourned with the demo day where the 10 finalists are given the opportunity to pitch their solutions to investors, industry experts, agribusinesses, scientists, governmental institutions, and partners. 

How we select innovations

Applications are assessed by the Selection Committee, which includes CGIAR and external experts from the public and private sectors, research institutions, circular economy, and investors. Evaluations are based on specific criteria, rated on a scale of 1 to 5 — 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. The selection criteria are as follows:

  • Applicability to the context of Colombia: Your team should possess a comprehensive understanding of Colombia's agriculture sector, its specific needs, and challenges, demonstrating that your solution is tailored to fit at least one of the priority areas. 

  • Scientific relevance: Your solution and its applications should be clearly defined and scientifically validated with a clear connection to CGIAR's Impact Areas and ongoing research projects.​​  

  • Novelty and uniqueness: Your solution should introduce new concepts, approaches, or technologies that diverge from existing ideas and practices.  

  • Sustainability and Scalability: The solution’s business model should be robust and sustainable, addressing market needs effectively and distinguishing itself from competitors in Colombia. It should be supported by documented evidence of market size, scalability, replicability, and transferability, and the ability to prevent competitors from replicating or infringing the innovation.  

  • Environmental and social impact: The solution should effectively address social and environmental challenges, with measurable and positive impacts in these areas.   

  • Team: Your team should have a diverse and complementary skillset, and possess technical, scientific or industry specific knowledge. Your team demonstrates inclusivity, dedication, and commitment to the activities and deliverables of the innovation challenge.