When is the submission deadline?

The call for applications will close on 11 September 2024 23:59 (GMT+3). Applications submitted after the deadline will be automatically declined. 

What are the eligibility criteria?

The AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge is open to national and international agri-tech innovators. Participants can include individuals (e.g. entrepreneurs, practitioners, students, researchers, and scientists) representing innovative startups, small and medium-sized companies, research centers and universities, non-profit organizations, and social collectives.

Participants should meet the following criteria:

  • A team must include at least 2 people who have taken a full-time commitment to their project.
  • The solution must address a real challenge hindering food security and climate resilience in Kenya and fall under at least one of the program’s six priority areass indicated in the call for applications.
  • The solution must align with one or more of CGIAR’s Impact Areas and/or research activities .
  • Applicants must show a proof-of-concept (POC) or minimum-viable-product (MVP).
  • Applicants must show some measurable indicators of market validation, such as users/paying customers, pipeline of potential users/paying customers, revenues if any, etc.
  • Applicants can only submit original work for which they are the sole inventors and copyright holders. In the case of a group of co-founders, the names and ages of all authors must be reported in the application form and will be considered as a single application.
  • Applications must be submitted in English and participants must have the capacity to participate in a project delivered entirely in English

Important Note: Incomplete applications that do not comply with the terms and conditions specified in the call, or are submitted after the deadline, will not be considered for evaluation.

Is there an eligibility criterion for the maturity level of my innovation?

The AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge is a program designed specifically for early-stage agri-tech ventures in Kenya. At this stage, you must have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or Proof of Concept (POC). This program will support and prepare you to build a solid go-to-market strategy through technical validation and access to the market. 

Selected applicants in the growth stage and beyond with a sustainable business model may be invited to pitch their solutions to investors at the demo day.  


Can I apply if I have developed an innovation within CGIAR?

Yes, you can apply if your innovation is/was designed, implemented or relevant to the context of Kenya. There will be a provision for five slots reserved for CGIAR-led innovations. 

My solution addresses more than one priority area. Can I submit more applications?

You can only submit one application. Please indicate all relevant priority areas in the form.   

Do I need to live in a certain region or country to apply?

No, the call is open to candidates globally; both from within and outside of Kenya.

Does my solution need to originate from the agriculture and food industries?

No, solutions do not necessarily need to originate from the agriculture and food industries. We are looking for all types of technologies that can be applied to the agri-tech sector in Kenya.

When will I be informed of the outcome of my application?

We typically notify applicants within 2-4 weeks after the submission deadline. An email notification will be shared with you regardless of the application outcome.


Do I have to attend in-person to participate in the bootcamp?

Yes, the bootcamp will be an in-person event taking place in November. Participation of shortlisted candidates will be informed through email and will have to confirm their ability to travel to attend or nominate a team member to attend on their behalf.


How many members per team will be able to attend the bootcamp?

Up to two members from each shortlisted team will be fully funded to attend the in-person 4-day- bootcamp in Kenya.



Will you provide any form of support in obtaining a Visa for activities taking place in Egypt?

Visa support will be provided in the form of an official invitation letter and visa cost reimbursement. Participants are responsible for applying for their visas from their respective embassies.

Who will manage my personal data?

CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform under the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT is the data controller; collects, manages, and stores data under GDPR privacy requirements. Consult the Privacy Notice for further information. 

Who should I contact if I have a question or require support?

If you cannot find the answer to your question above, contact us at info@agritechchallenge.org.