Cultivating Innovation, Harvesting Impact.

A challenge designed to catalyze the Kenyan agri-food systems transformation by supporting early-stage innovators in the development, deployment, adoption, and scaling of high-impact science-based agri-tech solutions for smallholder farmers and agricultural value chain players. 

Kenya faces significant challenges in achieving food security despite its fertile land. With annual food imports exceeding USD 1.1 billion and rising, and climate change impacts and urbanization intensifying, there's an urgent need for innovative solutions.  

The AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge aims to address these issues by fostering science-based agri-tech innovations that are localized within the national context and driven by market demand. By bridging the gap between research and market adoption, the initiative supports sustainability, resilience, and efficiency in Kenya’s agriculture. 

Accelerate your impact by joining us in shaping the future of agriculture to strengthen food security and ignite economic growth across Kenya.  

Are you developing a science-based and tech-driven solution to food insecurity and climate impacts in Kenya?

The AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge is a program designed specifically for agri-tech innovators with early-stage solutions that are rooted in, or applicable to, Kenya’s agricultural sector. . The program offers applicants, who must have an existing minimum viable product (MVP) or proof of concept (POC), comprehensive support to build a solid go-to-market strategy through business mentorship, scientific technical validation, market opportunities, access to finance, and on-the-ground experimentation with end-users to pilot solutions.

*In addition to external applicants, CGIAR scientists with a demonstrated willingness to adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their innovative research can apply and benefit from the project offers.

Your agri-tech innovation must align with one of the priority areas:


Sustainable agriculture

Improved market
access and supply chain efficiency

Knowledge sharing and capacity building for gender and social inclusion

Livestock health and disease management

Equitable finance
and investment mechanisms

Water use efficiency and
sustainable irrigation practices


The AgriTech4Kenya Innovation Challenge is powered by Kenyans, for Kenya, and is designed to meet local market demands and address critical value chain challenges.

Attract top-class innovators to tackle Kenya’s agricultural bottlenecks
Develop a pipeline of deployable, impactful and affordable solutions for farmers and value chain actors
Nurture an enabling environment that attracts investments and de-risks innovative technology development
Empower rural communities, and in particular, women and young people
Propel economic growth by creating employment and fostering a skilled and equipped workforce
Align efforts with the objectives of the Big 4 Agenda and the Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy in alignment with Vision 2030

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The AgriTech4Kenya tackles 14 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

What’s in it for you

Selected participants will receive the tools and step-by-step support to build the foundations of an impactful agri-tech venture with scalable growth in Kenya.

Develop an in-depth understanding of agriculture in Kenya
Benefit from a fully funded, 4-day immersive bootcamp in Nairobi, Kenya
Connect with a wide and diverse network of partners, agribusinesses and investors
Optimise solutions through direct exposure to CGIAR assets and industry-leading scientists and experts

Reserved for participants who successfully graduate from the bootcamp

Enroll on a sponsored 4-month acceleration program, combining entrepreneurial training and technical assistance.
Test and validate your solution on the ground with end-users for up to four months
Gain strategic exposure to investors and market opportunities